About the Journal

Original research papers, reviews, and brief research communications in any medical-related field may be submitted to the Journal with the understanding that the work has not been previously published in whole or in part and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Basic scientific and clinical medicine manuscripts are also examined. The length of research articles and reviews is not limited, however writers are advised to be brief. The length of a short research communication is limited to 2500 words.



Call for Papers - (Volume 5, Number 3 |July- september 2024)


We invite researchers, scholars, and medical professionals to contribute to the forthcoming issue of the SSB Global Journal of Medical Science. Submissions of original research articles and reviews are welcomed across various medical disciplines, including medical biosciences, surgery, medicine, and interdisciplinary studies. The deadline for manuscript submission is [Insert Deadline], and accepted papers will be published in Volume 5, Number 3 July–September 2024. Our journal adheres to a rigorous double-blind peer-review process, ensuring the quality and credibility of published works. Authors are encouraged to submit electronically. For detailed submission guidelines, please refer to our website. Join us in advancing medical science and contributing to the global dissemination of knowledge.

Read more about Call for Papers - (Volume 5, Number 3 |July- september 2024)

Current Issue

Vol. 5 No. 2: April -June, 2024
					View Vol. 5 No. 2: April -June, 2024

The SSB Global Journal of Medical Science (ISSN: 2709-8699) proudly presents its Volume 5, Issue 2, covering the months of April to June, 2024. As a distinguished open-access international peer-reviewed medical journal

Published: 2024-07-08
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